Matthias Mollner — 140+
„Diese Krankheit steht zur Erschöpfung wie eine Atombombe zu einem Streichholz. Es ist eine absurde Fehlcharakterisierung“
Laura Hillenbrand

140 C‑Prints, Nägel
Ca. 273 x 295 cm
Symptome Judith Schoßböck
Diese Symptom-Liste basiert auf einer subjektiven Krankheitserfahrung und den dabei wahrgenommenen Symptomen und
nicht auf diagnostischen Werten oder Bezeichnungen.
Update: 07.12.2024
1) Burning feet
2) Sweaty feet and hands
3) Temperature dysregulation (can’t keep warm)
4) Flu like symptoms (“neuro-flu” in whole body, but no fever)
5) Extreme fatigue (neurological and physical)
6) Burning Mouth Syndrome
7) Burning hands and upper arms
8) Dyshidrosis (blisters on skin and contact allergy), particularly on hands and feet
9) Dancing nerves in gut (autonomic dysfunction)
10) Post nasal drip
11) Sore throat
12) Hoarse voice and/or inability to talk
13) Pain under left ribcage
14) “Whale” and rumbling in stomach (irritating like being poisoned)
15) Strong medication hypersensitivity/related to dosing and MCAS (Mast Cell Activation Syndrome)
16) Full body parenthesia (the feeling of biting bugs on your skin)
17) The feeling of the whole nervous system being on fire/burning
18) Burning spine
19) Neuralgia in the ear (cerebrospinal fluid pressure issues)
20) Pressure in the head or on the ears
21) Throat sensitivity and tickling
22) Silent reflux
23) Diarrhoea
24) Pancreas Insufficiency (=lack of digestive enzyme production)
25) Intolerance of alcohol and chemicals
26) Intolerance to coffee or any other stimulant
27) Floaters in eyes (black spots, in particular when looking into the light)
28) Blurry vision and visual hallucinations (things appear as moving but are not)
29) Skin eczema (random body parts, wrists and arms)
30) Itchy skin (upper body, legs)
31) Dry skin (everywhere)
32) Mental Post Excercational Malaise (PEM — loss of mental energy) in crash
33) Dissociation attacks
34) “Pseudo-OCD” like feelings due to living in a prison that is your brain (things around you gain an abnormal importance or intensity, also big objects or new information is hard to introduce while brain feels more inflamed)
35) Extreme hyperacusis (to the point that birds, walking in room, or water poured in a glass can hurt)
36) Tinnitus and constant loud ringing in ears (like a broken fridge)
37) Sound hallucinations (for instance rain, water pouring down the house, when it’s not raining)
38) “Brain inflammation feeling”: brain expansion, pounding brain, everything gains too much intensity
39) Postprandial syndrome: Increase of neurological symptoms after eating
40) Burning between shoulder blades and pain in the muscles around them
41) Spinal weakness and burning pain at lumbar puncture site (and area below)
42) Low ft3 (thyroid hormone) and fluctuating TSH (conversion problem, problems to adapt thyroid medication, strong reaction to thyroid medication)
43) Clenching jaw, particularly at night (intermittently)
44) “IBS‑D”, in relation to exertion or MCAS
45) POTS (Dysautonomia of the heart): increase of heart rate when sitting or standing
46) “Pseudo panic” without any trigger/neuro system attacks as a form of PEM (in particular when adjusting to a new baseline or in big crash)
47) 24/7 wired nervous system
48) The feeling that the vagus nerve is stuck, or blown up, or on fire
49) Shortened sleep (and insomnia)
50) Too sharp vision when nervous system is dysregulated (but also blurry vision since lumbar puncture)
51) (Physical) adrenaline rushes through the body
52) Hyperactivity (and fake adrenaline)
53) Feeling of lead in the body (after eating or waking up or doing things)
54) The feeling of a knife in the upper back
55) Nausea (neurological/PENE)
56) Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (immune system dysfunction/reactions) to random triggers (medication, temperature, stress, vibration,…)
57) Food sensitivity and histamine intolerance (low DAO)
58) Immune system problems (catch everything)
59) Extreme heat in my whole body (in particular when lower body temperature)
60) Cold hands and feet
61) Pain and bleeding in gum area, pain sensitive teeth
62) Constantly blocked ears and nose (24/7 swelling)
63) Burning eyes
64) Neuromuscular pain (wandering, full body or thighs)
65) Lack of stress resistance (in particular in crash)
66) Intolerance to direct communication (including people sensitivity when having people in the room)
67) “Brain fog” and trouble concentrating (particularly in non-written communication)
68) Short term memory problems and word finding problems
69) Burning and pulling of/on upper cranial nerves
70) Hot flashes in whole body and sweat attacks (for instance after talking or eating)
71) Burning cheeks
72) Weak and shaky limbs
73) Dry mouth
74) Unusual thirst or hunger, also as attacks (hints of malnutrition in blood work)
75) Hypersensitivity to smell (attacks)
76) Taste hypersensitivity (things taste wrongly or differently, metal taste)
77) Burning forehead
78) “Stone feeling” in stomach and pressure on stomach
79) Lipoma in upper body
80) Difficulty to breath (breathing as a conscious effort)
81) Fast changing visions when closing my eyes (when nervous system is wired)
82) Twitching and neurologically loaded eyelids (flickering)
83) “Emptiness” as a form of PEM (like a demon taking over, related to the feeling of brain inflammation, related to loss of brain energy and movement)
84) Painful activation of bladder, sensitive bladder
85) Itchy scalp
86) Ants in the brain
87) Pain in the solar plexus
88) Jaw and tooth ache (often in combination with burning mouth syndrome)
89) Pain at lumbar puncture site (feels like a too narrow, burning and weak spinal canal)
90) Inability to lie on the stomach after lumbar puncture (plus double disc herniation touching on a nerve root (NRL5))
91) Tarlov cyst in cervical area
92) Painful toenails
93) No thyroid (diagnostic thyroidectomy) and hence more sensitive throat area
94) The feeling of your whole nervous system pounding
95) Strongly noticed heartbeat (may be due to POTS medication)
96) Very strong migraines (since spinal leak/lumbar puncture)
97) Pre menstrual syndrome
98) Eustachian tube dysfunction (prone to secondary infection)
99) The feeling of my thighs burning
100) Less restorative sleep (too long, extremely fatigued in the morning)
101) Brain freeze (the feeling of your brain “freezing” and “tightening”)
102) The feeling like being on a boat when lying down (cerebrospinal fluid pressure issue)
103) Neck stiffness and pain, burning
104) Hearing cracking sounds in your head
105) Tendon issues and healing issues throughout the body (fingers, knee, ankle, shoulder…)
106) Circulation issues in extremities (limbs going numb or falling asleep easily)
107) Lower blood pressure
108) Bradycardia in sleep and crash
109) Fever blisters when getting too hot
110) Tingling in fingers
111) Occasionally pain in anus
112) Bad taste in mouth (neurological misfiring?)
113) Spots in unusual places such as décolleté
114) Occasionally abscess in vagina (usually related to hormonal changes)
115) Low libido
116) Canker sores in mouth
117) Bubbles in gut and often excessive farting and burping
118) Unregular periods and early menopause symptoms
119) Dry eyes
120) Pressure on eyes
121) Painful “stabbing” and pressure in the kidney area (resulting from back pain)? — the feeling of having two stones in my back
122) Increased urinary frequency (intermittently)
123) Pain in one spot in the belly on the right
124) Hot neck (like flu and illness would come from the neck and back)
125) Pain in breast or thoracic area
126) The feeling of a painful bladder infection (non-bacterial infection)
127) Burning tailbone
128) Biting burning pain in anus and coccyx
129) Biting burning pain in thighs, sometimes spreading to extremities and tingling
130) Brain zaps in sleep (feeling of one single electric shock in the brain)
131) Cold or hot feeling on lower arms (mostly together with burning feeling in the nervous system)
132) Pain in fingers and knuckles
133) A feeling of sand in the brain (in a physical way, not cognitively, but often after cognitive activity)
134) Numb parts on the scalp (behind the ears and on the base and back of the head)
135) Inflammation in dental gums
136) Anger and rage before cras
137) The feeling that your face freezes — like a reaction to ice — but while being hot
138) Burning and sensitive back of the head and scalp (where touching the pillow)
139) Cramping of whole lower lumbar area, also on the backside
140) The feeling of a spiderweb on your skin that isn’t there
141) The entire ENT canal (ears, nose, throat) swollen
142) Swollen throat or choking from drinking
143) Distorted sense of time (time is never-ending) in crash or brain inflammation mode
144) The feeling of a painful hair band around your head
145) Painful tearing on the dura in the back when lying on the side (both sides)
146) Burning in head when swallowing pills
147) Pudenusneuralgia
148) Feeling of a neurological “cactus” and globus in throat (constant activation for a longer period of time)
149) Burning from the ear (feels like hot steam coming out from it)
150) Extreme thirst attacks that feel like attacks from the brain
151) Allergy and hives in the hollow of the knee
152) Burning stomach attacks (that are related to burning in the brain), pain in stomach (trigger can be drinking)
153) Air hunger and nostrils closing (sometimes related to hypersensitivity to smell, sometimes to temperature changes)
154) Inability to tolerate artificial temperature changes or too hot things next to the body
155) Very painful period attacks together with cramping of back nerves (attack will last a few hours, then back to normal period pain)
157) Intolerance to all food (even save foods) related to low grade brain inflammation, and liquids
158) Allergy against colouring agents in certain medication
159) Poisoned feeling in whole nervous system (and brain, together with sick feel on tongue)
160) Hair loss (more than usual amount)
161) Milky toenails (lack of minerals or vitamins?)
162) Crunching in ear, synchronous with heart beat (and feeling of something stuck in the ear)
163) Itchy blisters on the skin (Petechiae)
164) “Dislocating” and “over-trained” tendons, anatomical changes in knee and joints
165) Lower abdominal pain
166) Swollen vagina
167) Painful cramping (constantly, but also neurological attacks) in particular on the upper body, shoulders, and wrists (partly related to weakness in the limbs)
168) Inflammation in/around navel and belly area
169) The feeling of fur in your throat
170) Cramping brain attacks
171) Inability to speak more than a few words on most days
172) Air hunger from drinking and in general
173) At times intolerance of sleeping/eye mask (too activating)
174) Intolerance of ice pack on forehead (at times too activating)
175) The feeling of hot balls or paralysed nerves next to my stomach area
176) Long period of intolerance to supplements (poisoned feeling and hypersensitivity of nerves in whole gastro tract)
177) Pain in esophagus
178) Eye inflammation or conjunctivitis from mobile usage
179) Burning in vagina that is not thrush
180) Extreme sweat and brain inflammation attacks as reaction to undercooling
181) The feeling of drinking dust with water when there is no dust in the cup (misfiring nerves and phantom feeling)
182) Painful legs from wearing compression stockings
183) Inflammation in toenails (and brown colouring)
184) Constipation
185) The feeling like someone hit you in the stomach out of the blue
186) Pain in hamstrings
187) Numb tongue (simultaneous to pain in neck)
188) Swollen lymph nodes, such as axillary lymphadenopathy
190) Pain in nerves in heart area
191) Insect bites lead to inflammation
192) Gastritis feelings and cramping in belly, epigastric pain into the back
193) sudden severe one sided neck pain (comes and goes)
194) wooshing sounds in the brain that wake you up
195) The feeling like you have been partying and drinking for three days without sleep
196) Hiccups that won’t stop
197) Dryness attacks around midday, with no salvia, sometimes with agitation
198) Hunger and thirst attacks that don’t let you sleep, between 2–6am
199) The feeling like someone is pulling on your vagus nerve
200) Toenails not growing and inflamed
201) Stabbing pain in the head — with a tendency on the right side
202) Numb toes
203) Twitchy eyes when closing them due to over-stimulation
204) Excessive peeing following thirst attacks at night
205) Gum bleeding (related to lack of salvia flow, dry mouth and Burning Mouth Syndrome/Dysautonomia)
206) Occasional pain when swallowing
207) Dry painful parts on the outer labia mucosa
208) Washing can create more itching
209) Mast cell reaction after weakness
210) Bone pain in the knee area
211) Sore throat and poisoned brain from drinking
212) Strong morning nausea and night belly cramps
213) Pain in the neck that prevents you from turning the head or lying comfortably (difficult to open mouth)
214) Intolerance to minimal amounts of water and food unless in the evening or at night between waking up (= instant increase of all symptoms and feeling of brain inflammation) with periods of complete intolerance
215) Too much stimulation from touch or passive washing
216) Reaction to harmless food or odour from a long distance (like coffee that someone makes downstairs)
217) Constant upset tummy, also from water (a little better lying on my side)
218) Burning eyes
219) Numb and painful ankles and legs
220) Stabbing pain in heart
221) Always extremely hungry and dry
222) Problem of finding sock material that one can wear
223) The feeling as if someone would use pincers inside your belly plus stomach poisoning
224) Pain in neck when sitting up (very heavy head)
225) Clothing that is too irritating on the body even with comfortable fabric
226) Increase of symptoms when lifting onto the comnode (toilet stool)
227) Absence of sweat
228) Hurtful hunger pains
229) Permanent discomfort lying in bed due to bone pain
230) Headaches that are like a ring on your head
231) Numb tongue