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The collective

Matthias Moll­ner and Judith Schoss­böck have been a cou­ple since 2019, and have planned joint projects since 2020, which gained a par­tic­u­lar focus through Judith’s illness.

Matthias Mollner

Founder, artis­tic stu­dio man­age­ment, art production

Matthias Moll­ner, born in 1984 in Gmünd (Low­er Aus­tria), lives and works in Vien­na and Low­er Aus­tria. 2000–2004, cre­ative appren­tice­ship at the School for Met­al Design, Steyr (Upper Aus­tria). Ear­ly work with per­for­mance and the body. 2005 onwards, work­ing as a pro­fes­sion­al free­lance visu­al artist. His mul­ti­me­dia work includes sculp­tures, instal­la­tions, per­for­mance, pho­tog­ra­phy, images, and videos. Work­ing with exis­ten­tial and sociopo­lit­i­cal aspects of the rela­tion­ships between humans, ani­mals, and nature. 

Numer­ous projects, exhi­bi­tions, per­for­ma­tive and sculp­tur­al inter­ven­tions in pri­vate and pub­lic spaces. Found­ed artis­tic duo MOLLNER & SCHORSCH (Matthias Moll­ner, Ger­da Schorsch, 2010-12) and “Black Ferk Stu­dio” (since 2021). His works can be found in the state of Low­er Austria’s art col­lec­tion, at the Neue Galerie Graz/Museum Joan­neum, as well as on per­ma­nent loan to the out­door area of ​the Sym­po­sium Lindabrunn. Cura­to­r­i­al works as part of var­i­ous group and indi­vid­ual exhibitions.

Art­works, projects and a detailed biography

Portrait photo of Judith Schossböck with a plush pig.

Judith Schossböck, PhD

Founder, stu­dio man­age­ment, sci­en­tif­ic sup­port, art production

Judith Schoßböck, born in 1981 in Braunau/Inn (Upper Aus­tria), has lived in Vien­na, Lon­don, Budapest, Hong Kong, and Ams­ter­dam. She now lives with her par­ents (and car­ers) in Upper Aus­tria. 

Stud­ied media and com­mu­ni­ca­tion sci­ence, Ger­man philol­o­gy, and Ger­man as a for­eign lan­guage at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Vien­na. Dis­ser­ta­tion on health activism and social media at the City Uni­ver­si­ty of Hong Kong (spon­sored by the Research Grants Coun­cil, Hong Kong, S.A.R.). 

Sci­en­tif­ic staff at the Danube Uni­ver­si­ty Krems since 2009. Sci­en­tif­ic co-direc­tor of paraflows.at. Organ­is­ing and co-found­ing as part of burners.at (art and cul­tur­al asso­ci­a­tion) Pub­li­ca­tions and edit­ing in the fields of media tech­nol­o­gy and cul­tur­al sci­ence. Man­ag­ing Edi­tor of the open-access e‑journal jeDEM.org. Research spe­cial­i­sa­tions include dig­i­tal activism, elec­tron­ic par­tic­i­pa­tion, online com­mu­ni­ties, social media, health com­mu­ni­ca­tion, and the ethics of tech­nol­o­gy and com­mu­ni­ca­tion sys­tems. 

After the unex­pect­ed and extreme wors­en­ing of her health after Covid immu­ni­sa­tion and a result­ing lum­bar punc­ture: Bedrid­den and requir­ing care. 

In-depth work with draw­ings, mate­ri­als, and cre­at­ing small for­mat works from her bed since 2021.

Select­ed grants, work and publications