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A human figure lies on a table and is being tortured with knives, nails, a fried egg, an iron, scorpions, spiders, broken glass and a vice. Two red lamps illuminate the figure.

Matthias Mollner — Der Tag die Nacht

“ME/CFS ist ein neu­rol­o­gis­ch­er Ter­ror­ist, der aus heit­erem Him­mel Ter­ror und Folter erzeugt, wenn man zu viel „getan“ hat.”

Judith Schoßböck. Zitat aus einem face­book post. 11.02.2022

A human figure lies on a table and is being tortured with knives, nails, a fried egg, an iron, scorpions, spiders, broken glass and a vice. Two red lamps illuminate the figure.
A human figure lies on a table and is being tortured with knives, nails, a fried egg, an iron, scorpions, spiders, broken glass and a vice. Two red lamps illuminate the figure.
A human figure lies on a table and is being tortured with knives, nails, a fried egg, an iron, scorpions, spiders, broken glass and a vice. Two red lamps illuminate the figure.
A human figure lies on a table and is being tortured with knives, nails, a fried egg, an iron, scorpions, spiders, broken glass and a vice. Two red lamps illuminate the figure.
A human figure lies on a table and is being tortured with knives, nails, a fried egg, an iron, scorpions, spiders, broken glass and a vice. Two red lamps illuminate the figure.
A human figure lies on a table and is being tortured with knives, nails, a fried egg, an iron, scorpions, spiders, broken glass and a vice. Two red lamps illuminate the figure.
A human figure lies on a table and is being tortured with knives, nails, a fried egg, an iron, scorpions, spiders, broken glass and a vice. Two red lamps illuminate the figure.
A human figure lies on a table and is being tortured with knives, nails, a fried egg, an iron, scorpions, spiders, broken glass and a vice. Two red lamps illuminate the figure.

Der Tag die Nacht
Poly­mergips, Sand, Fiber­glas, Acryl­farbe, Spiegelscher­ben, 2 Mess­er, Nagel, Schrauben, Draht, Stein, Schraubzwinge, Bügeleisen, Steck­dose, Spielzeugtiere, Bratp­fanne, Kette, Holzbret­ter, 2 Klapp­böcke, 2 Schreibtis­chlam­p­en, rote Beleuch­tung, weiße Beleuch­tung, Bewe­gungssen­sor
Ca. 193 x 78 x 148 cm