Anil van der Zee
Anil van der Zee was born in Sri Lanka and grew up in the Netherlands. He studied classical ballet and pursued a career as a professional ballet dancer with various companies in the Netherlands and Switzerland. In 2007, his career ended due to a viral infection from which he never fully recovered. He was later diagnosed with ME/CFS. He now lives in a darkened home and avoids any physical or mental overexertion that worsens his symptoms. A stark contrast to his previous active and dynamic life as a dancer.
Since 2013, Anil van der Zee has lived almost completely isolated from the physical world. One visitor per year is not uncommon. He’s feeling a little better now, thanks to a more quiet and suitable housing after an ill fitting one, so he’s able to create some art again. Because of many questions about his living situation and his everyday life, he decided film his life with ME/CFS. In his film “The days with M.E.” he shows a step-by-step guide through his day.
The Days with M.E.
Video, 19:37 min