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Black Ferks links and library

The Black Ferk library has a col­lec­tion of sci­en­tif­ic top­ics, art, and NGO mate­ri­als, as well as crit­i­cal con­tent from the com­mu­ni­ty. The links are organ­ised into dif­fer­ent groups, which pro­vides a com­pre­hen­sive overview of ME/CFS, the soci­etal and social aspects of chron­ic ill­ness, as well as sto­ries from indi­vid­ual peo­ple and groups.

Black Ferk hopes all vis­i­tors enjoy browsing!

Black Ferks book recommendations

General information on ME/CFS and Long Covid

Euro­pean ME Coali­tion (EMEC) – Advo­ca­cy group for per­sons suf­fer­ing from Myal­gic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syn­drome (ME/CFS).

Aus­tri­an Soci­ety for ME/CFS – Infor­ma­tion on the dis­ease, patient sit­u­a­tion, research. com­mu­ni­ty for those affected.

Aus­tri­an Soci­ety for ME/CFS – ME/CFS report Aus­tria 2021.

Ger­man Soci­ety for ME/CFS — Patient orga­ni­za­tion that advo­cates for the rights and needs of ME/CFS sufferers.

Solve ME/CFS – Non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion that serves as a cat­a­lyst for crit­i­cal research into diag­nos­tics, treat­ments, and cures for myal­gic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syn­drome (ME/CFS), Long Covid and oth­er post-infec­tion diseases.

Blog Dr. Michael Stingl, Spe­cial­ist in neu­rol­o­gy – Long Covid and ME/CFS

#MEAc­tion Net­work – Inter­na­tion­al orga­ni­za­tion to build a glob­al move­ment fight­ing for recog­ni­tion, edu­ca­tion and research.

wir-fordern-forschung.org – Fundrais­er for ME/CFS sufferers.

Movies and documentaries related to ME/CFS and Long Covid

“Die rät­sel­hafte Krankheit — Leben mit ME/CFS” — The whole doc­u­men­tary | ARTE (2021)

„Dia­logues for a neglect­ed ill­ness“ – Project with videos on dif­fer­ent top­ics of ME/CFS. Film „Voic­es from the Shad­ows“.

Hirschausen and Long-Covid — the Pan­dem­ic of the Untreated

„UNREST“ — Doc­u­men­tary film that tells the sto­ry of Jen­nifer and her hus­band Omar, who togeth­er over­come the day-to-day chal­lenges of liv­ing with an ill­ness that few doc­tors know about. Direc­tor: Jen­nifer Brea. US 2017, 97 min.

„For­got­ten Plague“ — Doc­u­men­tary about Ryan Pri­or, a ME/CFS patient and jour­nal­ist, and his jour­ney to under­stand the dis­ease. (2015)

mecfssa.org.au –List of doc­u­men­taries about ME/CFS

Scientific articles and studies

Artistic Works by ME/CFS Sufferers — ME/CFS Artists