Black Ferks links and library
The Black Ferk library has a collection of scientific topics, art, and NGO materials, as well as critical content from the community. The links are organised into different groups, which provides a comprehensive overview of ME/CFS, the societal and social aspects of chronic illness, as well as stories from individual people and groups.
Black Ferk hopes all visitors enjoy browsing!
Black Ferks book recommendations
Birte Viermann — Liebe Silja, … Meine Schwester, eine unerforschte Krankheit und ein Tod, der das Leben ehrt, Verlag BoD — Books on Demand, 2023
Meghan O´Rourke — The Invisible Kingdom. Reimagining Chronic Illness. Penguin LCC US, 2022
Nils Winkler, Gitta Meier — Das Monster danach. Die neue, alte Volkskrankheit ME/CFS. 2022
Hillary Johnson — The Why. The Historic ME/CFS Call to Arms. BassettCreekPublishing, 2009, 2021
Juliane Marie Schreiber — Ich möchte lieber nicht. Eine Rebellion gegen den Terror des Positiven. Piper, 2022
Barbara Ehrenreich – Smile or Die: Wie die Ideologie des positiven Denkens die Welt verdummt. Antje Kunstmann, 2010
Oliver Burkeman – The Antitode. Happiness for People Who Can´t Stand Positive Thinking. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2013
Tracie White, Ronald W. Davis – The Puzzle Solver: A Scientist’s Desperate Quest to Cure the Illness that Stole His Son. hachette Books, 2021
Susan Sontag – Krankheit als Metapher & AIDS und seine Metaphern. Fischer Taschenbuch, 2003
General information on ME/CFS and Long Covid
European ME Coalition (EMEC) – Advocacy group for persons suffering from Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS).
Austrian Society for ME/CFS – Information on the disease, patient situation, research. community for those affected.
Austrian Society for ME/CFS – ME/CFS report Austria 2021.
German Society for ME/CFS — Patient organization that advocates for the rights and needs of ME/CFS sufferers.
Solve ME/CFS – Non-profit organization that serves as a catalyst for critical research into diagnostics, treatments, and cures for myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), Long Covid and other post-infection diseases.
Blog Dr. Michael Stingl, Specialist in neurology – Long Covid and ME/CFS
#MEAction Network – International organization to build a global movement fighting for recognition, education and research.
wir-fordern-forschung.org – Fundraiser for ME/CFS sufferers.
Movies and documentaries related to ME/CFS and Long Covid
“Die rätselhafte Krankheit — Leben mit ME/CFS” — The whole documentary | ARTE (2021)
„Dialogues for a neglected illness“ – Project with videos on different topics of ME/CFS. Film „Voices from the Shadows“.
Hirschausen and Long-Covid — the Pandemic of the Untreated
„UNREST“ — Documentary film that tells the story of Jennifer and her husband Omar, who together overcome the day-to-day challenges of living with an illness that few doctors know about. Director: Jennifer Brea. US 2017, 97 min.
„Forgotten Plague“ — Documentary about Ryan Prior, a ME/CFS patient and journalist, and his journey to understand the disease. (2015)
mecfssa.org.au –List of documentaries about ME/CFS
Scientific articles and studies
Special issue severe and very severe ME/CFS
The IDO Metabolic Trap Hypothesis for the Etiology of ME/CFS
Mortality in Patients with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Mortality ME pedia: “Causes of death — MEpedia”
List of deaths caused by myalgic encephalomyelitis or chronic fatigue syndrome
Further links to scientific articles
Artistic Works by ME/CFS Sufferers — ME/CFS Artists
Christina Baltais (CAN)
Hazel Hughes (UK)
Mary Corey March (US)
James Strazza (US)