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Black Ferks Art Show

Here you can find an online pre­sen­ta­tion of pre­vi­ous work and pro­duc­tions from the Stu­dio. Black Ferk invites you to sniff out the dif­fer­ent rooms. If you like some­thing in par­tic­u­lar, you are very wel­come to pur­chase it — we offer dif­fer­ent price cat­e­gories. A part of the pro­ceeds will go direct­ly to ME/CFS research organ­i­sa­tions or NGOs.

Some of the works dis­played in the gallery depict vio­lence, sui­cide, or naked bodies.

Prices vary accord­ing to mate­ri­als, amount of work and sizes.

Judith Schoss­böck

Orig­i­nal artworks

  • Draw­ings (mark­er, pen­cil, ink, coal, water­colour) ~A4: € 50,- to 150,-
  • Draw­ings ~A5: € 40,- to 100,-
  • Paint­ings (Acrylic, gouache, oil pas­tels, water­colour on can­vas or paper): € 60,- to 200,-

Gal­leries “Scratch the sur­face”, “Eye-Eye”, “Wilder­ness”, “Bog Char­ac­ters”, “Symp­tom jun­gle

Framed: + € 50,- to 60,-

Fine Art Prints
(select­ed works or if orig­i­nal sold)
~A4: € 35,- to 40,- (unmounted/on plate)
~A5: € 30,- to 35,- (unmounted/on plate)

Matthias Moll­ner


We send world­wide with buy­ers pay­ing for shipping.

Pro­cess­ing times:
We will try our best to send the art­work to its new home, but as Black Ferk is resid­ing on dif­fer­ent places and also work­ing in the con­text of dynam­ic dis­abil­i­ty and care, please allow a lit­tle extra time for delivery.