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Judith Schossböck — Bog Characters

“Pro­found ill­ness such as ME/CFS or a spinal CSF leak define and change every core of your exis­tence, every cell of your body, and they inter­fer with your brain in a way that is hard­ly imag­in­able for the aver­age per­son. When I start­ed to draw out of an impulse to com­mu­ni­cate the extreme trans­for­ma­tion I was going through, it would have felt extreme­ly weird to draw myself or my fig­u­ra­tive feel­ings as a clas­sic human being. So I came up with a frog or bog like char­ac­ter with an open burn­ing head or scalp, with green skin because I could­n’t iden­ti­fy with nor­mal healthy skin colour any­more, and with orange or/and red hair com­ing out of my brain, resem­bling nerves that are hurt­ful­ly pulled in many direc­tions, and most of the time emp­ty or yel­low eyes, and sev­er­al holes.
Lat­er on, this fig­ure extend­ed into a more detailed char­ac­ter and is reap­pear­ing as a vari­a­tion with dif­fer­ent accents in my work.”

Long­ing for sun­set, or: Self-por­trait with­out punc­ture
Acrylic paint on card­board

Size: 30 x 24 cm


Water­colours on paper

Size: 21 x 14,8 cm

Pure pic­ture, with­out a frame — € 50,-
Framed pic­ture — € 100,-

plus ship­ping costs

70% of the sale goes to Black Ferk Stu­dio.
30% to ME/CFS research or NGOs.

Inter­est­ed? We look for­ward to your request!


Red snakes wriggle out of the open skull of a green figure. The figure has a fried egg on her eye, a black collar with a ring and several earrings. Two puncture needles pierce the skin of the figure and one of the snakes.

Self por­trait with punc­ture
Acrylic gouache on paper

Size: 32 x 24 cm


A green figure with red fire jets on its head rides a bed on rails toward a large hole in the body of a Black Grim Reaper. "Ghost Train" is written on the bed.

A dark ride
Fine­lin­er and mark­er on paper

Size: 29,7 x 21 cm

Pure pic­ture, with­out a frame — € 50,-
Framed pic­ture — € 110,-

plus ship­ping costs

70% of the sale goes to Black Ferk Stu­dio.
30% to ME/CFS research or NGOs.

Inter­est­ed? We look for­ward to your request!


A green figure with red and purple fire rays on its head stands on a blue paper boat. It fishes with a fishing rod in a school of fish and has a human brain on the hook.

Where is my mind
Pas­tel and mark­er on paper

Size: 29,7 x 21 cm

Pure pic­ture, with­out a frame — € 50,-
Framed pic­ture — € 110,-

plus ship­ping costs

70% of the sale goes to Black Ferk Stu­dio.
30% to ME/CFS research or NGOs.

Inter­est­ed? We look for­ward to your request!


A green figure with red fire rays on its head and black boots on its feet hangs tied to ropes upside down in a spiral construction. Several ants and a snake can be seen on the construction.

Fine­lin­er and mark­er on paper

Size: 29,7 x 21 cm

Pure pic­ture, with­out a frame — € 70,-
Framed pic­ture — € 130,-

plus ship­ping costs

70% of the sale goes to Black Ferk Stu­dio.
30% to ME/CFS research or NGOs.

Inter­est­ed? We look for­ward to your request!


A green figure with red, green, and blue fire jets on its head lies in a bubble bath. Black, pointed arrows shoot out of a shower head at the figure.

Pas­tel on paper

Size: 29,7 x 21 cm

Pure pic­ture, with­out a frame — € 60,-
Framed pic­ture — € 120,-

plus ship­ping costs

70% of the sale goes to Black Ferk Stu­dio.
30% to ME/CFS research or NGOs.

Inter­est­ed? We look for­ward to your request!


A green figure with red fire rays on its head lies in a bed and is being crushed by a fly swatter.

Dou­ble splat­ter
Fine­lin­er and mark­er on paper

Size: 29,7 x 21 cm

Pure pic­ture, with­out a frame — € 50,-
Framed pic­ture — € 110,-

plus ship­ping costs

70% of the sale goes to Black Ferk Stu­dio.
30% to ME/CFS research or NGOs.

Inter­est­ed? We look for­ward to your request!


A green figure with red and orange fire rays on its head is being eaten by a zebra.

Time for a healthy sal­ad
Mark­er, water­col­or and graphite pen­cil on paper

Size: 29,7 x 21 cm

Pure pic­ture, with­out a frame — € 50,-
Framed pic­ture — € 110,-

plus ship­ping costs

70% of the sale goes to Black Ferk Stu­dio.
30% to ME/CFS research or NGOs.

Inter­est­ed? We look for­ward to your request!


Red and orange fire jets shoot out of the open skullcap of a green figure. Several black ants are crawling on the figure's head.

Self por­trait, or I turn into a vine louse
Pas­tel and mark­er on paper

Size: 29,7 x 21 cm

Pure pic­ture, with­out a frame — € 70,-
Framed pic­ture — € 130,-

plus ship­ping costs

70% of the sale goes to Black Ferk Stu­dio.
30% to ME/CFS research or NGOs.

Inter­est­ed? We look for­ward to your request!


A green figure with red fire jets on its head wears two tight black stockings that pinch its legs.

Fine­lin­er and mark­er on paper

Size: 29,7 x 21 cm

Pure pic­ture, with­out a frame — € 50,-
Framed pic­ture — € 110,-

plus ship­ping costs

70% of the sale goes to Black Ferk Stu­dio.
30% to ME/CFS research or NGOs.

Inter­est­ed? We look for­ward to your request!


A green figure with red fire rays on his head and Mickey Mouse ears sits in an open refrigerator and holds an apple in its hand. There are three apples on the fridge and an oversized ear hanging on the side that catches sound waves.

Pas­tel and mark­er on paper

Size: 29,7 x 21 cm

Pure pic­ture, with­out a frame — € 50,-
Framed pic­ture — € 110,-

plus ship­ping costs

70% of the sale goes to Black Ferk Stu­dio.
30% to ME/CFS research or NGOs.

Inter­est­ed? We look for­ward to your request!


A green figure with red fire jets on its head sits on the edge of a goldfish bowl. Fish and a globe swim in the glass.

The med­ical anthro­pocene
Fine­lin­er and mark­er on paper

Size: 29,7 x 21 cm

Pure pic­ture, with­out a frame — € 60,-
Framed pic­ture — € 120,-

plus ship­ping costs

70% of the sale goes to Black Ferk Stu­dio.
30% to ME/CFS research or NGOs.

Inter­est­ed? We look for­ward to your request!


A green seahorse with red fire rays on its head stands next to a shell.

Water­col­or pen­cil and ink on paper

Size: 25,5 x 17 cm

Pure pic­ture, with­out a frame — € 50,-
Framed pic­ture — € 110,-

plus ship­ping costs

70% of the sale goes to Black Ferk Stu­dio.
30% to ME/CFS research or NGOs.

Inter­est­ed? We look for­ward to your request!


Four green and blue figures with jets of fire on their heads sit in and beside a tub. Yellow lights shine overhead.

Feed your egos
Pas­tel and mark­er on paper

Size: 29,7 x 21 cm

Pure pic­ture, with­out a frame — € 50,-
Framed pic­ture — € 110,-

plus ship­ping costs

70% of the sale goes to Black Ferk Stu­dio.
30% to ME/CFS research or NGOs.

Inter­est­ed? We look for­ward to your request!


A green figure with red fire rays on its head sits in a diving helmet at the bottom of the sea. Two sea serpents coil around the helmet.

Fine­lin­er and mark­er on paper

Size: 29,7 x 21 cm

Pure pic­ture, with­out a frame — € 50,-
Framed pic­ture — € 110,-

plus ship­ping costs

70% of the sale goes to Black Ferk Stu­dio.
30% to ME/CFS research or NGOs.

Inter­est­ed? We look for­ward to your request!
