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A human figure lies on a table and is being tortured with knives, nails, a fried egg, an iron, scorpions, spiders, broken glass and a vice. Two red lamps illuminate the figure.

Matthias Mollner — The Day the Night

“ME/CFS is a neu­ro­log­i­cal ter­ror­ist that cre­ates ter­ror and tor­ture out of the blue when you’ve ‘done’ too much.”

Judith Schoss­böck. Quote from a face­book post. 11.02.2022

A human figure lies on a table and is being tortured with knives, nails, a fried egg, an iron, scorpions, spiders, broken glass and a vice. Two red lamps illuminate the figure.
A human figure lies on a table and is being tortured with knives, nails, a fried egg, an iron, scorpions, spiders, broken glass and a vice. Two red lamps illuminate the figure.
A human figure lies on a table and is being tortured with knives, nails, a fried egg, an iron, scorpions, spiders, broken glass and a vice. Two red lamps illuminate the figure.
A human figure lies on a table and is being tortured with knives, nails, a fried egg, an iron, scorpions, spiders, broken glass and a vice. Two red lamps illuminate the figure.
A human figure lies on a table and is being tortured with knives, nails, a fried egg, an iron, scorpions, spiders, broken glass and a vice. Two red lamps illuminate the figure.
A human figure lies on a table and is being tortured with knives, nails, a fried egg, an iron, scorpions, spiders, broken glass and a vice. Two red lamps illuminate the figure.
A human figure lies on a table and is being tortured with knives, nails, a fried egg, an iron, scorpions, spiders, broken glass and a vice. Two red lamps illuminate the figure.
A human figure lies on a table and is being tortured with knives, nails, a fried egg, an iron, scorpions, spiders, broken glass and a vice. Two red lamps illuminate the figure.

The Day the Night
Poly­mer plas­ter, sand, fiber­glass, acrylic paint, bro­ken mir­ror, 2 knives, nail, screws, wire, rock, clamp, iron, sock­et, toy ani­mals, fry­ing pan, chain, wood­en boards, 2 fold­ing tres­tles, 2 desk lamps, red light­ing, white light­ing, motion sen­sor
Ca. 193 x 78 x 148 cm