Sibylle Dahrendorf
Sibylle Dahrendorf has travelled the world as a freelancer, realised films and reports as well as TV features. She has been finding herself in a health related downward spiral since 2014 and unable to work since spring 2017. From a full, always very mobile life she has been confined to an isolated horizontal existence within her own four walls. This is where she lives now, without any prospect of change. Her diagnoses: ME/CFS, Cranio-Cervical Instability/CCI, Fluoroquinolones Toxicity, Mastcell Activation Syndrome, POTS, Neuropathy.
Head Bombing
Pencil on paper
“‘Head Bombing’ emerged from a night of desperation because I couldn’t find words for the symptoms in my head anymore (let alone those in my body). That’s how I scribbled it, every line, pain from hell, pure torture, severe overstimulation, every line, a stab in the head, every stab, a flame of fire, and every stab such a hellish cracking and noise, just like a bombardment in the head.”