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Matthias Mollner

Matthias Moll­ner lives and works in Vien­na and Low­er Aus­tria. In his work he deals with exis­ten­tial and social ques­tions about peo­ple and their con­nec­tion to nature around them. The dark sides and hid­den cor­ners of real­i­ty are an ele­men­tary space of expe­ri­ence that he exam­ines and makes vis­i­ble in his art. In his work he approach­es the absurd aspects of human action with a resis­tant atti­tude: he ironizes, con­fronts and trans­forms them.

The per­for­ma­tive, bio­log­i­cal body forms the basis of his engage­ment with the present. This mul­ti­di­men­sion­al approach is evi­dent both in his con­cepts and in the media and mate­ri­als used.

In 2021, togeth­er with his part­ner Judith Schoss­böck, he found­ed the art and sci­ence col­lec­tive
“Black Ferk Stu­dio”, which deals with seri­ous chron­ic ill­ness­es of the brain and cen­tral ner­vous sys­tem, and in par­tic­u­lar with the mul­ti­sys­tem dis­ease ME/CFS. Top­ics such as ill­ness and death are part of the real­i­ty of life, which he encoun­ters in his work with­out taboos.


Try Anoth­er One
C‑Prints on pan­el, nails

The Day the Night
Poly­mer plas­ter, sand, fiber­glass, acrylic paint, bro­ken mir­ror, knives, nail, screws, wire, rock, clamp, iron, sock­et, toy ani­mals, fry­ing pan, chain, wood­en boards, fold­ing tres­tles, desk lamps, red light­ing

Colored portrait of Judith Schossböck lying in her bed. The image is perforated with milled lines.

Pain Por­trait
Acrylic on paper on milled and cut chip­board, wood­en frame

Weld­ed steel sheet, steel pro­files, OSB boards, med­i­cine packs, poly­mer plas­ter, syn­thet­ic resin var­nish

Unti­tled from the series “Long Life Pow­er”


Heavy inti­ma­cy
Met­al bed, mat­tress­es, poly­mer plas­ter, epoxy resin, fiber­glass, acrylic paint, video pro­jec­tion

Matthias Moll­ner, Judith Schoss­böck
C‑Prints on pan­els, nails

Symp­toms, as signs and sig­nals of ill­ness, belong to the “night side of life” (Susan Son­tag): some come, some go, some stay. In this work, Matthias Moll­ner deals with the phys­i­cal dis­rup­tive fac­tors per­ceived by his part­ner Judith Schoss­böck in 2022. He search­es for clues and com­bines his own inti­mate, pho­to­graph­ic view with the descrip­tion and doc­u­men­ta­tion of his partner’s neu­ro­log­i­cal particularities.

This list of symp­toms is based on a sub­jec­tive ill­ness expe­ri­ence and the relat­ed per­ceived symp­toms, and not on diag­nos­tic val­ues or terms.

The cur­rent list can be found at: https://blackferkstudio.com/en/140plus-symptoms/

20 min­utes in bed
Video 19:24 min

With this video work, Matthias Moll­ner traces a time of upheaval: for his part­ner Judith Schos­böck, but also for him­self. The record­ings show moments of every­day life and the attempt to cope with a new and chal­leng­ing exis­tence. Through inter­views and doc­u­men­ta­tion of time togeth­er, the work pro­vides per­son­al insights into the real­i­ty of life asso­ci­at­ed with seri­ous ill­ness, but also into the good moments — used for reflec­tion, exchange, inti­ma­cy and art.

Say Fuck
Video (excerpt), orig­i­nal 7:17 min

The Wash Cycle