Judy in the Sky
Fri, 2 and Sat, 3 May 2025
„Celebrate in the name of Judy who loved to celebrate people, dead and alive!“
Aux Gazelles, Rahlgasse 5, 1060 Vienna
Let’s commemorate our beloved friend Judith Schoßböck in this celebration of her life and legacy. Judith died self-determined on 10 December 2024 with ME/CFS and severe concomitant illnesses. Her life as an uncompromising artist, activist, scientist and so much more will remain an inspiration for us. We’ll gather to let her light shine!
Friends, loved ones, Black Ferk Studio and the Austrian Burners are organising the two-day celebration in line with Judith’s wishes and plans.
Thank you to the Austrian Burners Kunst- und Kulturverein and Christine Ruckendorfer (Aux Gazelles) for their generous support, without which that event couldn’t take place in this form.
One weekend, 3 events:
The celebrations consist of three individual parts, which will take us, in terms of content and emotion, from shared grief to expression through art and the celebration of life. In addition to on-site participation, there are also online participation options.
The event is a fundraiser for research and initiatives for ME/CFS (WE&ME Foundation and Austrian Society for ME/CFS).
Fri, 2 May — 18:00 — 24:00
Farewell and mourning ceremony for friends
“How happy am I to have something in my life that makes saying goodbye so hard.” (A.A. Milne, “Winnie-the-Pooh”)
Together we say our goodbyes to Judith Schoßböck with rituals of mourning and remembrance. The themes of death, vulnerability and pain will take centre stage. Bring mementos for Judith’s altar and immerse yourself in your grief. Leave Judith a final message in the ‘Burning Ferk’ piglet urn, where the letters will be burnt after the event. Connect with Judith on a breathing meditation journey, join the Cult of Judith, experience a special bedside performance and enjoy art that she saw daily from her bed.
Get involved: Make what you miss about Judy in the world visible and tangible through a workshop, a ritual, a speech (live, recorded or broadcast live), a song or a poem — get involved in your own way and become part of this collective experience of grief.
Oriental feast:
As part of the evening you are invited to take part in the oriental feast (price per person: €40, payment on site), registration required (see below).
Let your grief and appreciation for Judith be expressed in your clothing. Not sure what colour to wear? — How about the colour blue? It symbolises mourning in connection with the death of a person suffering from ME/CFS.
Free entry:
Participation in the memorial is free of charge and is open to all friends of Judith to give them space to say goodbye and express their grief. Registration is required to attend. Oriental feast: €40 p.p.
Online participation:
In addition to on-site participation, there is also the option of online participation in the memorial. Please also register using the form.
Quiet zone & passenger transport: There will be a quiet zone on site (a darkened room with the possibility to lie down), which can be used by chronically ill people or people with other restrictions. We are working on enabling a passenger transport within Vienna to and from the event location for disabled/chronically ill persons. If you have any questions, please contact our inclusion team: metamorphosis@burners.at.
Note on photo and film recordings: The event will be documented on film and photographically to enable the inclusion of people who are unable to attend in person. It will be possible to stay in areas where filming/photography is not possible.
Sat, 3 May — 12:00 — 18:00
Art for ME
Exhibition and performances
“The world is our oyster in our fantasy.” (Judith Schoßböck)
Judith has campaigned from her bedside for more research and better care for people with chronic illnesses and has set major milestones in awareness raising for ME/CFS and concomitant illnesses. “Art for ME” puts Judith’s art and that of people connected to her, some of whom are chronically ill themselves, centre stage and thus becomes an inclusive platform for those who, as #millionsmissing, have hardly any opportunities to participate in social life. Judith compared her existence to the feeling of being an astronaut involuntarily wearing a spacesuit that shielded her from the outside world. Nevertheless, she felt deeply connected to the people in her life and to the outside world. At ‘Art for ME’, videos, pictures, objects and performative art will address stages of Judith’s life as well as the reality of an everyday life characterised by a serious chronic illness. The event also serves to raise funds for the WE&ME Foundation and the Austrian Society for ME/CFS.
Protection zone, quiet room & personal transport:
Between 12 noon and 4 pm, part of the event (separate area on the 1st floor) may only be entered wearing a mask to allow at-risk groups to participate without additional health risks.
There will be a quiet zone on site (a darkened room with the possibility to lie down), which can be used by chronically ill people or people with other restrictions. We are working on enabling a passenger transport within Vienna for disabled/chronically ill persons to and from the event location. If you have any questions, please contact our inclusion team: metamorphosis@burners.at.
Free admission, public event.
Oriental brunch:
During the event there is the possibility to enjoy an oriental brunch (€28 p.p.), no reservation necessary.
Online participation:
In addition to on-site participation, there is also the option of online participation via streaming/zoom (15:00 — 18:00). The online ticket for MEtamorphosis on Saturday evening (see below) is also valid as an online ticket for ‘Art for ME’.
Photo/film policy:
The event will be documented to enable the inclusion of people who cannot attend in person.
Press information:
We are looking forward to the participation of media representatives in ‘Art for ME’. In order to ensure a smooth process, please register at irene.schanda@posteo.de.
Sat, 3 May — 8:00 pm — 4:00 am
Party and celebration of life
“All good things are wild and free.” (Henry David Thoreau)
Everything is in flux, and the only constant is impermanence. Is death the end or just another transformation on a long journey? How can we emotionally succeed in transforming grief into deeply felt joy and celebrate life?
At MEtamorphosis, we dedicate ourselves to this transformation experiment together. Judith was an enthusiastic and committed member of the Burning Man community. It was important to her that life was celebrated after her death — with everything that makes a burner party (see ‘Info on the 10+1 Burning Man principles’). She wanted a party where grief would be transformed into a celebration of life: with live music, performances, DJs, The bed-based clown-experience, a nail salon, a fashion show with a clothes auction, piglets (Judith’s favourite animals), all kinds of creepy things and much more. This colourful celebration is intended to carry on Judith’s spirit — to use her words:
„Celebrate life, enjoy the small and big things: I hope my story can be seen as that of a person who made the best of the cards she was dealt. Thank you so much to my family, my love, my network, everyone I’ve ever been in love with, all my friends. Love as much as you can.“
Everyone who knew Judith, everyone who feels connected to her story and to the many communities in which she was active, is invited to attend and actively participate in this evening on site or remotely.
The event is a fundraiser, ticket purchases will raise funds for the WE&ME Foundation and the Austrian Society for ME/CFS to promote research and awareness of ME/CFS.
Ticket on-site participation: €10,- plus donation
Ticket online participation: €5,- plus donation
A big thank you to the Austrian Burners Kunst- und Kulturverein and to Christine Ruckendorfer (Aux Gazelles), whose support makes a low basic ticket price possible.
There is no box office. So make sure you get your ticket in time!
On-site participation & inclusion:
The venue is barrier-free. Due to the expected high number of people and increased noise level, this event is not suitable for people with sensitivity to loudness and strong sensory stimuli. We recommend online participation or attending the MEmorial on Friday or Art for ME on Saturday afternoon.
Online participation:
MEtamorphosis must also be possible from the bedside! Purchasing an online ticket for MEtamorphosis also entitles you to take part in the ‘Art for ME’ art exhibition online.
Your creative contribution:
The face of MEtamorphosis will be created through co-creation! Do you have an idea, a creative contribution to contribute to the transformation? Get in touch with us if you
… want to perform live music or a DJ set: **To the registration form** (Deadline: 10.4.)
… want to contribute art / a performance / a workshop: Mail to info@blackferkstudio.com
… can’t attend the event yourself, but want to send a contribution. All information on this under “Send your contributions”
The 10+1 Burning Man Principles:
The 10+1 Burning Man principles form the basis for this event. At the centre of “Judy in the Sky” is above all Radical Inclusion, as participation should be made possible for as many people as possible, including the chronically ill. The other principles include Gifting, Decommodification, Radical Self-Reliance, Radical Self-Expression, Communal Effort, Civic Responsibility, Leave No Trace, Participation, Immediacy and Consent. By participating in the event, you agree to abide by the principles. More about the principles
Exceptions to the Decommodification Principle: Aux Gazelles will be running the restaurant and bar during the event, so it is not permitted to take food and drink away. In addition, this event is a fundraiser for ME/CFS — the ticket price is deliberately kept low in order to collect as many donations as possible.
Dress code: Clown, blue, Nurse, Goth, Horsehead — More information and inspiration will follow before the event
Foto & video policy: MEtamorphosis will be documented on film and photographically to enable people suffering from ME/CFS and others who are unable to travel to participate virtually.
“Judy in the Sky” — MEtamorphosis is organised exclusively by volunteers. Join in and contribute your unique skills!
Take a volunteer shift: To the volunteer list
Join the Signal Participation Group and support the creation of “Judy in the sky”: To the Signal Group
Join our Slack Workspace and coordinate with teams on selected organisational topics: To the Slack workspace
Send your contributions — deadline is April 10th:
Send your art and memories (photos, letters, small objects, stories) as part of the memorial and exhibition. You can send things that remind you of Judy and that you connect with her. With the items we build an altar and a wall installation.
Burning Ferk: Send a personal letter or postcard for Judith’s piglet urn sculpture. After the event, these letters will be burned and the urn will be placed on the grave. Please label these letters with “Burning Ferk” so that we know what can be burned.
If you have an idea for a performance, an artwork or a workshop, let us know and we will do our best to make it happen.
You can send audio and video messages that we will show in the exhibition.
Send us (digital) photos of your experiences with Judith for a photo show.
Send us links to music that you associate with Judith (preferably Spotify). We will play the songs during the event.
Send us texts or messages that we can read out for you. Please label these messages with “For reading aloud”.
If you want to participate remotely in any other creative way, please reach out and share your idea with us.
Please send letters or small packages to this address by April 10th at the latest:
Matthias Mollner
Black Ferk Studio
Wimmergasse 28/2–3
1050 Vienna
Send digital contributions by April 10th at the latest via e‑mail to: