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High Rise

It’s hard to imag­ine how it’s like to walk in the shoes of some­one with ME/CFS. Emp­ty shoes on social media often stand for the #mil­lion­s­miss­ing, and have been used as a pow­er­ful sym­bol in protests around the world.
By putting unus­able fes­tive ones on a podest, the sculp­ture evokes themes such as the unreach­able goals and activ­i­ties of peo­ple with severe ME, but also their pow­er­ful stance of sur­vival and strength.
Here we rise them high­er to con­trast the miss­ing acknowl­edge­ment in soci­ety, and to hon­our their often unsung exis­tence and vision.

High Rise
Red shoes, gal­va­nized tubu­lar steel, wood, var­nish