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Sibylle Dahrendorf

Sibylle Dahren­dorf has trav­elled the world as a free­lancer, realised films and reports as well as TV fea­tures. She has been find­ing her­self in a health relat­ed down­ward spi­ral since 2014 and unable to work since spring 2017. From a full, always very mobile life she has been con­fined to an iso­lat­ed hor­i­zon­tal exis­tence with­in her own four walls. This is where she lives now, with­out any prospect of change. Her diag­noses: ME/CFS, Cranio-Cer­vi­cal Instability/CCI, Flu­o­ro­quinolones Tox­i­c­i­ty, Mast­cell Acti­va­tion Syn­drome, POTS, Neuropathy.


Head Bomb­ing
Pen­cil on paper

“‘Head Bomb­ing’ emerged from a night of des­per­a­tion because I could­n’t find words for the symp­toms in my head any­more (let alone those in my body). That’s how I scrib­bled it, every line, pain from hell, pure tor­ture, severe over­stim­u­la­tion, every line, a stab in the head, every stab, a flame of fire, and every stab such a hell­ish crack­ing and noise, just like a bom­bard­ment in the head.”