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Ruth Braham

Ruth Bra­ham has suf­fered from ME/CFS for around 20 years and has been com­plete­ly bedrid­den for nine years. At her worst, she was par­a­lyzed and voice­less. She has been engag­ing in art through­out her life and sees art as a refuge in which she can com­plete­ly lose herself.

Today she only works dig­i­tal­ly because she does­n’t have the ener­gy for any­thing else. Even then, this is only pos­si­ble on the very best of days and only for a lim­it­ed amount of time.


Dig­i­tal collage

“This is my good friend and dis­abil­i­ty activist Ricky Buchanan. She is bedrid­den and suf­fer­ing from severe ME/CFS. I put her in a field full of daisies, her favorite flow­ers, so she could imag­ine the joy of fresh air.”

Dig­i­tal collage

“This is my deceased friend Alley Daley. I lost her last year when she was only 27 years old. She had severe ME/CFS and EDS (Ehlers-Dan­los syn­drome). I depict­ed her sur­round­ed by the things that made her who she was. A queer, non-bina­ry Huf­flepuff cat lover with a zebra (the EDS logo) (I called her my tigress), with the best smile in the world.”


Self Por­trait
Dig­i­tal collage

“When I am in com­plete silence and can do noth­ing but lie in the dark, I often hold my own hand and imag­ine that I am hold­ing the hand of my loved ones and oth­er ME/CFS suf­fer­ers who are trapped in the same iso­la­tion. I ded­i­cat­ed this pic­ture to them and offered them my hand so that they are not alone.”