It’s a good idea to feed Black Ferk!

Support the studio’s artistic work and help create recognition for one of the most invisible groups of people in our society!
There are different options for supporting Black Ferk:
- By purchasing artworks.
- By donation.
70% of the sales go towards the studio’s artistic work.
30% to ME/CFS research or NGOs.
For example: You are interested in an artwork for 100 euros and receive it for 70 euros if you donate 30 euros to one of the suggested organizations.
Foundation based in Austria, founded by the Ströck family (several family members affected by ME/CFS). Funding of international research, broad network of experts in science, medicine and industry. Goal: to create resources and awareness for research in order to improve the situation for patients and relatives.
Evidence-based, biomedical research of ME/CFS. Focus on unviversity-based research projects, specialised scientists and ME/CFS research centres at universities, PhD scholarships. 100% of the contribution goes towards ME/CFS research (no administrative costs).
Research of ME/CFS and related chronic diseases like Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome (PTLDS), Fibromyalgia and Long Covid. Funding of an internationally-based research network. Open, collaborative research at six ME/CFS Collaborative Research Centers (CRCs).
Advocacy groups, NGOs
Austrian Society for ME/CFS
Help and support for everyone affected. Information and advice on illness and on the medical and social situation in Austria. Mediation and lobbying work. Networking with actors from politics, medicine, law and culture. Fight against prejudice and stigma.
International organization. Network of ME/CFS sufferers, caregivers, family members and allies. Activism and artistic projects. Lobbying work. Fighting for recognition, education and research so that everyone affected by ME/CFS can have support and access to proper and effective care.
We also accept donations to other research organisations or NGOs — let us know your suggestion.
Banking information:
IBAN: AT44 2027 2021 0002 1019
Account holder: Matthias Mollner
Bank: Waldviertler Sparkasse Bank AG
or via PAYPAL
The Black Ferk is looking forward to your message via E‑mail or Social Media!