Ilse Sjouke and Martine Brandt
Ilse Sjouke makes art about the surreal realities of this world. Her health progressively deteriorated and made her work more difficult, until painting became almost impossible. Today she lives in a completely darkened room, but luckily on better days she can open the curtains a little bit. The beam of light that falls on the paper allows her to draw for brief moments.

Ilse Sjouke, Martine Brandt
A “far-from-my-bed” Show
Colored pencils on paper, text
The work is a collaboration between Ilse Sjouke (image) and Martine Brandt (text).
Martine and Ilse are both bedridden with ME/CFS, and Ilse lives in a darkened room. A conversation on Facebook led to the plan of depicting this situation artistically. Ilse started the drawing in spring 2021 and was only able to finish it in January 2022 due to her poor health. It took two years before the drawing and text could be published on Facebook for the first time.
A “far-from-my-bed”-show
The more everything is
within reach from my bed,
the more the outside world
becomes a distant spectacle.
Everything that was once familiar
is now strange, not my own.
Everything that got me agitated
now seems small, so marginal.
The world goes on
and from far away I hear
the laughter, the whispers,
the whimpering and the taunting.
The world goes on
without noticing
what is happening to me,
hardly anyone is aware.
I try to connect,
to empathise with others,
and to feel what is going on
in that big world outside.
I sometimes wonder,
do I still exist?
Because so deprived of contact,
I seem to slowly dissolve.
I am here, the world is out there.
Whatever I do and try,
the “there” drifts away,
far beyond my reach.
I look and wonder.
The big becomes small
and the small becomes big.
Suddenly I see it so clearly.
I have lost what I am looking for,
found what I did not ask for
and follow my own path,
towards the core of myself.
Here silence and emptiness reign,
nothing becomes something, the emptiness full
and I see the essence of me:
L O V E.

Ilse Sjouke
Mars Says Hi / A Rich Men’s Lullaby
Acrylic on canvas
The Cloud / A Land of Confusion
Acrylic on canvas