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Franziska Hannig

Franziska Han­nig lives in Frank­furt am Main and has been suf­fer­ing from ME/CFS for two years, imme­di­ate­ly fol­low­ing her train­ing as a biol­o­gy and chem­istry teacher. After she could no longer prac­tice her job, she began to deal with her ill­ness by draw­ing graph­ics and illus­tra­tions. She was ini­tial­ly inspired by “sketch­notes”, of which some typ­i­cal ele­ments are found in most graph­ics, but devel­oped her style towards col­or­ful and often very detailed info­graph­ics. It is pre­cise­ly through the many details that Franziska tries to approach the com­plex­i­ty of the mul­ti­sys­tem dis­ease ME/CFS, to help oth­er suf­fer­ers under­stand their own symp­toms and also to cre­ate under­stand­ing for those not affect­ed. The graph­ics there­fore con­tain infor­ma­tion on the med­ical and sci­en­tif­ic back­ground, but also address liv­ing with the dis­ease. They are already being used for edu­ca­tion­al pur­pos­es, for exam­ple in train­ing cours­es on ME/CFS, and are intend­ed to con­tribute to rais­ing awareness.


Dig­i­tal graph­ics

Dig­i­tal graph­ic