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Broken Battery

Bro­ken Bat­tery has ME/CFS in a severe form. After becom­ing slight­ly ill in 2014, he was still able to work full time. After six months he received a diag­no­sis of ME/CFS with the rec­om­men­da­tion to start “Grad­ed Exer­cise Ther­a­py”. With­out any warn­ings about the dam­ages from this form of ther­a­py, he was con­vinced it was safe. He suf­fered a mas­sive dete­ri­o­ra­tion from which he nev­er recov­ered. After read­ing about the his­to­ry of ME/CFS, the neglect, abuse and suf­fer­ing, he began to pro­duce videos in order to raise aware­ness about the disease.


Severe and Very Severe ME/CFS
Video, 8:29 min